Toxic society leaves toxic scars
The cumulative effect of living in a toxic society can result in deeply ingrained scars that affect individuals on emotional, psychological, and social levels, impacting their overall health and well-being. Issues like perfectionism, body image, identity crises and self judgment are just a few examples of those implications on one's perception of life.
This poster vividly illustrates the emotional scars inflicted on one's soul by society's harsh criticisms. The naked model, representing issues of body image and self-perception, is marked with cruel words of self-judgment (weirdo, fat, moron, clumsy, ugly.) These words are metaphorically "stitched" into her skin, highlighting how deeply ingrained they are in her self-view. They are spread across her back, representing the emotional burden she has been bearing.
Design and Creative: Carmit Makler Haller/ Carmit Design Studio
Naked Model Photography: Adobe Stock
Digital Editing: Carmit Makler Haller / Carmit Design Studio, Jorge Gamboa / Mal De Ojo