Project: Salome Poster, 24"x36"
Platinum Award, Design Annual 2020, Graphis
Platinum Award, Poster Annual 2020, Graphis
Graphis Show, San Antonio, Texas, 2020
Assignment: Oscar Wilde's play tells in one act the Biblical story of Salome, stepdaughter of the tetrarch Herod Antipas, who, to her stepfather's dismay but to the delight of her mother Herodias, requests the head of Jokanaan (John the Baptist) on a silver platter, so she can kiss it, as a reward for dancing the dance of the seven veils.
Approach: Salome is the virgin princess of Judah: royal, powerful, beautiful, seductive, naive, mesmerizing—yet unaware of her consequences. Her desire to win Jokannan’s love drives her to act as a murderer. Her contradicting characteristics are displayed in this scene, depicting the climax of the play—Salome as a monstrous evil, lingering in blood, after she kissed the beheaded Jokanaan.
Art Directions and Graphic Design—Carmit Haller / Carmit Design Studio
Photoshop Editin—Eyal Orlee Studio
Poster Annual 2020, Graphis
From Graphis Blog 2019
Design Annual 2020, Graphis
Inside Design Annual 2020, Graphis
Design Annual 2020, Graphis website